Saturday, April 30, 2011


Going out for a walk in the early morning when the sun is just starting to rise allows you to see some of the wildlife that are out and about, especially beavers.  I have only been able to see the beavers by the creek when I walk in the early morning or at dusk.

With the increased water levels due to spring runoff and excessive moisture this winter, the water has overtaken some of the land close to the walking and biking paths.  With some trees being surrounded by water, it has made it easier for the beavers to gnaw and chew on certain trees.  Beavers are wonderful to watch and have interesting social structures but they are destructive.  I took the following photos while out walking one recent morning.  The photos include some of the sights I saw that morning.

When I first saw these two beavers I thought this was two mounds of dirt.  The beaver on the left is facing me and the one on the right has its back to me.

This beaver with its back to me, is chewing away on material from a tree. 

A front photo of a beaver chewing on material.

About 15 minutes later from the first set of beavers I saw, I saw this third beaver swimming along the creek.

Damage to the tree by a beaver.

Another damaged tree.

The Canada geese make much noise when I walk by with the dog.

A red winged black bird.

Several ducks foraging for food.

The rabbit is slowly changing its cost from winter to summer colours.

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